S.E.R.E. (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape)

Do you want to learn survival tactics and techniques to help you thrive in hostile environments and avoid being captured? For your search of alternatives ends here: The Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape (SERE)R and EOF course the initial design had the United States as its main focus. Now available to civilians and private military contractors to the course focuses on teaching survival skills of military personnel behind enemy lines and is designed to teach you methods for staying mentally sharp and emotionally strong in challenging circumstances while also offering guidance on how to escape potentially hazardous scenarios.

tactical training

Course Purpose:

Individuals who participate in the intensive 7 days SERE training program are challenged to confront their pre-existing fears and gain confidence as they overcome them, while survival tactics and evasion strategies are taught in this course so that students can learn how to stay alive in harsh conditions while avoiding being taken captive. The program got used by the U.S. Training programs for civilians and private military contractors are offered by the Department of Defense.

Weapons and Ammunition:

The course provides hands-on experience with weapons such as the 9 mm pistol, AR15, and AK47, and ammunition including 9 mm – 150 rds. / 5.56 mm or 7.62 – 150 rds. The course offers theoretical and practical exercises to help you develop the necessary skills.

Training Program:

The SERE training program is divided into three phases: academic training, survival/evasion, and resistance lab. The academic training spans three days and includes survival skills, basic land navigation, weapon fundamentals and handling, boot camps, self-defense techniques, and the code of conduct.

Survival and evasion take place off-grid, where participants must survive in an unfamiliar wilderness environment, set up their camp and move to designated locations using land navigation skills while remaining undetected. The resistance lab is classified information.

Sleep and Food:

Sleep and food are based on the three phases. In phase 1, participants are well-fed three times a day. In phase 2, their food depends on how well they hunt in the wild for edible plants or animals. Phase 3 involves no food. Phase 1 has the possibility of a wake-up call, while phase 2’s sleep depends on how well participants hide in the bushes.

Skill Pre-requisites:

Prior experience with firearms or survival skills is not required, but it is mandatory that students bring the necessary equipment, including eye protection with a clear lens, active ear protection, green or blue chemlights/glowsticks, headlamp or flashlight, robust walking boots/shoes, trousers, t-shirts, jacket, hat or cap, gloves, poncho, backpack, sleeping bag, mat, tarp, rope, paracord, casual clothes, tick/insect repellent, pens, notebooks, toilet paper, and a pack of six bottles of water (1.5L). All clothing and equipment must be appropriate to the environment and the time of year.

ROMULUS MIHU and DELTA SURVIVAL SCHOOL offer a comprehensive S.E.R.E. training program that teaches survival tactics and techniques in hostile environments while self-confidence and teamwork are improved through theoretical and practical exercises that involve hands-on experience with weapons and ammunition as well as a challenging training program This course guarantees an unforgettable experience for everyone who participates.