The Intro Dynamic Carbine Operator Course is an essential training program for anyone who wishes to master the use of AR15 or AK47 carbines in close and medium-range scenarios. This course offers comprehensive training and practical exercises to equip students with the necessary skills to handle a carbine in a dynamic environment. Read on to discover more about this course and why you should consider buying it.
Course Purposes:
The Intro Dynamic Carbine Operator Course is designed to teach students how to operate with an AR15/AK47 carbine from typical and atypical shooting positions in a dynamic environment, in close and medium-range scenarios. The training program will help students develop the necessary skills to handle a carbine in these situations safely and efficiently.
Weapons & Ammunition:
The course requires students to bring their own weapons, either AR15 or AK47. The recommended ammunition is 250 rds. 223R.
Methods of teaching:
This course will be taught using a combination of theoretical and practical exercises. The training will be conducted directly in the shooting range, allowing students to experience realistic scenarios.
Skill Pre-requisites:
The Intro Dynamic Carbine Operator Course requires prior training and/or experience in dynamic shooting and good knowledge of weapons safety. Students are required to bring their sturdy/tactical belt, safety glass and ear protection. Students who have their own body armor and mag pouches are also advised to bring them.
Training Program:
The training program for the Intro Dynamic Carbine Operator Course includes:
The Intro Dynamic Carbine Operator Course is an excellent training program for anyone who wants to master the use of AR15 or AK47 carbines in close and medium-range scenarios.
This course offers comprehensive training and practical exercises to equip students with the necessary skills to handle a carbine in a dynamic environment. With its combination of theoretical and practical exercises, this course is a must-buy for anyone who wants to become proficient in carbine shooting.