Advanced CQB & Urban Tactics Course

Are you looking to take your tactical skills to the next level? Do you want to be prepared to handle the most challenging CQB situations? Look no further than our fast-paced, practical CQB course.

tactical training

Course Purpose:

This intense course is designed to prepare students to handle the most challenging Close Quarters Battle (CQB) tactical situations. With 90% practical training time, students will be expected to wear helmets and body armor or “full kits” for most of the drills performed during this challenging week of training.

In price is included:
– Accommodation + breakfast and lunch
– Ammunition
– Certificate

Weapons & Ammunition:

Students will be trained to use a variety of weapons, including GLOCK 19/17/AR15/AK47. Ammunition are 9 mm – 400 rds. / 223R – 400rds.

Training Program:

The course will be taught using theoretical and practical exercises. Lectures will be conducted in the classroom and on the shooting range. To attend this course, candidates must have prior experience with firearms Dynamic Pistol/Carbine, SUT, or CQB.

Skill Pre-requisites:

Candidates are required to bring sturdy/tactical belt, tactical or combat clothing and footwear (UF PRO, 5.11, Blackhawk, Helikon…), ballistic plate carrier or vest with pouches for AR15/AK47 magazines, helmet or tactical hat, eye protection (shooting goggles), active ear protection, tactical gloves, and knee pads. Clothing appropriate for the climate and conditions is also necessary.

Training Program:

Day 1:

  • Firearms safety & marksmanship fundamentals presentation
  • Dry Drills – pistol & AR15/AKM
  • Basic Live fire exercises – pistol & AR15/AKM

Day 2:

  • Basic CQB Presentation
  • CQB refresher – 1 Man & 2 Man teams
  • Basic passing doors – 1 Man & 2 Man
  • Live Fire
  • Basic Clearing rooms/buildings
  • Basic Open doors/Close Doors
  • Target recognized & engage

Day 3:

  • Clearing rooms/buildings – 2 Man team / 3 Man team
  • Urban movement
    Securing a perimeter
  • Advanced target approach tactics

Day 4:

  • CQB Advance Live Shooting, different scenarios with live ammo.

Law enforcement or military personnel can attend this training without proof of previous training and receive a 15% discount. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your tactical skills to the next level!